Sunday, February 19, 2012


By Mageela Troche

1. Don’t write a love scene when you’re ready to rip off someone’s head and drink their blood.

2. Don’t write a love scene when your single on Valentine’s Day and if you’re ready to shred every paper heart with your teeth.

3. Don’t write a love scene when right after a root canal, came from the bank or received a letter from the IRS.

4. Don’t write a love scene when you’re drunk. You’ll only have to deal with the dread morning after just as in real life.

5. Don’t write a love scene when you have no interest in being sexy back and if it by chance did return, you might strangle it with your bare hands.

6. Don’t write a love scene when you’ve stuffed yourself at a Super Bowl party or dinner or anytime you have to unbuckle your pants.

7. Don’t write a love scene after you’ve visited your parents, grandparents or anyone that you wouldn’t share sex stories with.

8. Don’t write a love scene after reading about sex. All the romance is lost and no one care about Item A inserted into Slot B.

9. Don’t write about a love scene when if you used he parted her feminine petals or his iron hard shaft

10. Don’t write a love scene if your hero and heroine don’t have magic between them. It never helps a novel or the reader.

An Air Force brat, Mageela landed in New York City and wanted to leave the same day she arrived. Yet, with her stubbornness, she learned to like the place and the librabries were the main reason. Learning to read at four-years-old, she decided to be an author and an actress. Once in college, she changed her life plan in the pursuit of money. After all, college loans must be repaid. With life's twists and turns, she returned to writing and focused on the romance genre. She joined RWA in 2004 and soon discovered RWANYC. Mageela Troche is a PRO member and placed 2nd in FTHRW Wallflower Best Love Scene, has published various articles for her local chapter and their blog besides having her own. She is 2012 Vice President for RWANYC chapter and currently research, writing, revising--the cycle of writing.


  1. Great, fun tips but also quite true. I might add, not after a job performance review, a seial killer reality marathon on Discovery or scrubbing the bathroom. I know because I just did it! Not sexy.

  2. LOL for #'s 1 and 6! And so true for #10!
