Thursday, December 27, 2012


by Elizabeth Knowles Palladino

In light of Sandy and Athena.....

Everyone needs a pre-packed kit of emergency essentials, and the period following a disaster is the best time to re-think and re-stock crucial supplies.

Browse the Internet for emergency preparedness or disaster survival websites. They contain lists of emergency items that can be helpful in deciding what to have packed and ready to go. is an excellent place to start.

It’s a good idea to make an emergency items checklist, rather like a packing checklist used for travel. Add anything that might have been needed and not available during recent crises. Keep the completed checklist in the emergency box, ready for the next time disaster preparation is needed.

A writer probably should not put a manuscript above survival needs for food, water, or shelter. Still, in preparing for an event, writers can include pens, paper, and a battery-operated light in a waterproof, fire-resistant box. Perhaps the box itself could function as a lap desk.

If the writer is safe and isn’t needed to assist others during the emergency, the writing box could be accessed and could help forward a writing career through whatever crisis life might inflict.*

Elizabeth Knowles Palladino lives in Kingston, New York, where she works in health care and writes medieval romance.

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