Tuesday, August 22, 2017


This week our members will be sharing their experiences 
on writing through hard times.  

I am blessed to have a friend in Australia whom I've known for 25 years and sees me through good and bad times. She is a retired office manager who delights in hearing about my literary projects. Despite the distance, we keep in touch online and through correspondence. I am constantly running themes by her. She is my sounding board. She recently lost someone significant in her life so it was my turn to lift her spirits this month. I wish I could've crawled through the phone when we've been able to afford to speak to each other and sooth her anxieties as she's done for me. She has taught me how to be resilient like the tree that bends in the wind. Someday, I know I'll be in Australia with my dear friend front row center as I dedicate my published romance to her and give her a "hot off the press" autographed copy.♥

Joan Ramirez has published three nonfiction books as well as many online short mystery stories and is currently a freelance educator and journalist. The best is yet to come: Published romance and romantic suspense novels.


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