Saturday, August 22, 2020


Join us daily for a new ‘Hot” excerpt from one of
New York’s Leading Romance Authors.  

By Candace Lucas

In her mind, his scent evoked the image of one of her rose bushes, the one that produced a sweet, spicy aroma like hot cinnamon.

”Now then, don’t think,” she whispered. “Just feel. Imagine the soil is whispering to you, telling you about the plants it has nurtured in the past.”

She wrapped her fingers over his; slowly kneading the broad expanse of his hand, stroking up and down the bones on the back of his hand, ruffling the light dusting of hair on the back of his knuckles. 

“Now take a deep breath and smell the richness of that nurturing.” She softened her touch until her kneading became a slow caress, the pads of her fingers lightly touching, stroking every dip and ridge, delving into the hills and valleys of his hand.

His skin warmed, growing hotter and hotter, until it felt as his hand was over the open flame of a taper. Under her touch, heat radiated through James’s hand, traveled up his arm and spread across his chest. An eddy of warmth settled in his mind, swirling lazily, the color of soft peaches, and spicy, like cinnamon roses. 

He gasped. “Cinnamon. I smell cinnamon.” His eyes flew open and he stared at her. Her eyes were still closed, and a lazy smile tilted the corners of her mouth.

Unable to stop himself, he pressed his nose against her neck and inhaled. But she smelled only of moist soil and warm woman.#

Candace Lucas started writing at nine years old, a historical with herself as the heroine. She now writes stories about other heroines with a humorous slant.  She loves not-so-perfect heroes, quirky heroines and secondary characters that you would like to disown if they are relatives but unfortunately are stuck with.  She lives in New York City, a city rich in history, weird residents and fantastic neighborhoods, a treasure trove to draw upon when writing.

Join us tomorrow for another “HOT” excerpt.