Friday, February 24, 2012


By Anne Elizabeth

I remember the very first assignation I ever wrote. It was cheesy! Definitely, very silly. And, it was, unfortunately, horribly ordinary.

The reason it was so flawed was...that it did not strike an emotional chord with me. A love scene must feel REAL to the writer. TANGIBLE. PALPABLE. And, practically able to LEAP off of the page and be performed right in front of your eyes. Am I being too dramatic? Perhaps. But, how can you expect a reader to relate when you cannot do so yourself?

So, jump into the scene! Get messy! Pretend you are a participant; maybe this is one of your wildest fantasies. Or, take another approach and allow your characters the privilege of playing their own roles their way. Whatever you do – however you envision it – make the action FLOW, be as authentic as possible, and remember to give it your own individual flare. Add a dash of your heritage, culture, or favorite region of choice for pizzazz.

Do you want a tip on how to get started? I use the following procedure to guarantee that a scene feels sincere to me. Here are the steps:

1) I ask myself, if the physical logistics work? Is it really sexy if she has to go through ten different Yoga poses just to kiss him? Or, is it better if she strokes her fingers over his lips, testing the softness, before she lays her lips on his.

2) Check the pacing: does the pace plod along or does the romance build to a climatic moment creating a page-turner?

3) Responses and Environment: Are the characters responding in a manner that is true to their personality and is the setting or location actually romantic?

4) Have I hit the dramatic moments that need to contribute to the overall character development and journey, and

5) Is it satisfying? Afterward – after it is written – I read it aloud or ask a friend for a critique. Being honest is vitally important. If I love it and my readers love it, then I’m pleased with the outcome. If no one loves it, go back to the empty page and start again.

Everyone has a different process, and this is mine. Making a love scene resonate leaves a lasting impression, one that will be remembered and associated with your story for all time. So, get out there, be bold, and experiment, and always remember to make it flow. Lastly, always do it your way. ♥

Anne Elizabeth is a romance author, comic creator and columnist for Romantic Times and Publishers Weekly magazines. Her third graphic novel, POWER PLAY, releases in October at the New York ComicCon. Anne Elizabeth’s next West Navy Seal book, A SEAL WITH A HEART, releases in December. Visit here at

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