Friday, January 1, 2016


Welcome to 2016!

I’m thrilled to be ushering in the New Year as president of the chapter with a (mostly) new board. I’ve got a lot of plans for the year, with the goal of engaging members more and helping them with everything we can to further careers in romance publishing. The membership of this chapter is full of some of the smartest, savviest, and most talented people I’ve ever met, and whether you’re still finishing your first novel or have published ten, it’s a great pool to draw support from.

I think I’m the rare person who, when I make New Year’s resolutions, I usually follow through with them. I’m not silly enough to resolve something like going to the gym more often; I know myself well enough to know that would last, like, a month, tops. I usually resolve to do career-related things.

For example, my first published novel was essentially the result of a New Year’s resolution. I started 2009 resolved that it would be the year I finally got serious and I promised myself I’d send out a manuscript to an editor or agent by the end of the year. I sent that manuscript out in August, and it was accepted for publication a couple of months later.

So here’s my challenge to you all: forget about what has come before for a moment. Forget about rejections, failure, the manuscript languishing on your hard drive or in a drawer. Resolve to do something this year to take your writing career to the next level. It can be something simple, like writing a set number of words per month, or finally finishing that unfinished manuscript. It can be something bigger like showing your work to a colleague for the first time, or finally sending that manuscript out to editors and agents. If you’re further along in your career, maybe 2016 is the year you try writing in a new genre or finally write that crazy idea you’ve been kicking around for awhile, even if it’s not “commercial.” Maybe this is the year you try self-publishing or create a new marketing plan to help you get on a bestseller list.

Whatever it is, think big. Where do you want your writing career to be in a year’s time? In five? In ten? Think about that and plan accordingly.

I have faith you can do it. One of the reasons I even considered running for president of the chapter is because I’ve met so many great people through it.

I also wanted to let you all know you can contact me at any time with ideas for what programs you’d like to see or projects you’d like the chapter to take on. This year will feature some of our favorite chapter traditions and hopefully some new ones as well.

I’ll raise a toast to a fantastic 2016! Remember to think big and reach for the stars!♥

Kate McMurray is the new President of the RWA/NYC chapter, and an award-winning author of gay romance and an unabashed romance fan. When she’s not writing, she works as a nonfiction editor, dabbles in various crafts, and is maybe a tiny bit obsessed with baseball. She has served as President of Rainbow Romance Writers, the LGBT romance chapter of Romance Writers of America. She lives in Brooklyn, NY. Visit her at   

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